Burg Industries成立于1937年,目前是一家欧洲主流的公路运输设备提供者,和特种静态槽罐的主要制造商之一。在欧洲的5个国家(荷兰、比利时、丹麦、芬兰、波兰)有15个分支机构,共雇用1600员工,其中550人在荷兰。2007年收入约2.7亿欧元。
Burg Industries可以分为两大板块:公路运输设备,槽罐车和设备。
公路运输设备板块:销售、制造并持有卡车和半挂车,适用于各类货物的运输。包括:冷冻或冷藏商品,例如肉类、鲜花;常规货物,例如建材;集装箱运输;液体、粉末、颗粒的槽罐车运输,例如粮食、化学品、燃料、液化天然气。著名的品牌包括:Burg, Hobur, Eurotank和LAG。
CIMC(CHINA International Marine Containers Co.,中国国际海运集装箱集团股份有限公司,股票代码:000039、200039 股票简称:中集集团、中集B)成立于1982年,中国上市公司,在全球60个分支机构有5万名雇员,2007年收入达到约45亿欧元。CIMC在ISO集装箱领域处于世界市场的领导地位,业务包括销售和制造厢式、冷藏、特种、油罐集装箱。
2007年6月,CIMC宣布,为了在欧洲的扩张,它购入了荷兰Burg Industries的多数股份。
6000万欧元的投资将由CIMC的香港机构CIMC油罐设备投资控股公司支付。交易之后,它将拥有合资企业的80%股份,另20%由股东Peter Van der Burg持有(他是目前合资企业的CEO和董事主席)。
Internet site: www.burg.nl
Burg Fabriek van Wegtransportmiddelen B.V. in Pijnacker the Netherlands is part of the CIMC-BURG group, an international collective in the range of high-quality transport- and logistic equipment and tank- and appliances construction. We design and build the transport equipment specifically to your demands, the product that has to be transported and the logistic situation.
Semi-trailers and trailers in different executions, such as TIP Tilt, curtainsider, boxtrailers, reefers, containerchassis, tippers, Hobur tanktrailers, Prefab concrete trailers and “floating glass” trailers. We build hookliftsystems on all kind of trucks and semi-trailers. Burg can also arrange a loading certificate by TuV standards for several rolling equipments.
Beside high-quality equipment we also offer complete service- maintenance facilities, with the possibility to sign a contract for a complete service- and maintenance package. We also have the facilities for big renovations and repair any damage on your vehicle.
For the Netherlands there is a 24 hour service available. Within Europe there are several service points you can contact. Service Europe
Burg, export all over the world !
The strength of Holvrieka BV lay in the production of stainless steel transport tanks, which started in the Dutch town of Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht. Thanks to various investments, the branch in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht developed into an all-round repair workshop. The company expanded in 1986 by opening a branch in Barneveld, and in 2003, the company expanded yet again by opening a branch in Moerdijk. In January 2004, the name Holvrieka B.V. changed to Burg Service B.V., making the link with Burg Industries even clearer.
Internet site: www.burgservice.nl
About Burg Service B.V.
With two branches, Burg Service B.V. is a major service, repair and maintenance provider for tank semi-trailers and tank containers.
It all started back in 1967 when Holvrieka merged with Burg and continued operating under the brand name HOBUR. Back then, the company’s strength lay in the production of stainless steel transport tanks, which started in the Dutch town of Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht. Thanks to various investments, the branch in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht developed into an all-round repair workshop.
The company expanded in 1986 by opening a branch in Barneveld, a significant step towards ensuring an even greater presence throughout the Netherlands.
In 2003, the company expanded yet again by opening a branch in Moerdijk that specialises in providing rapid service for tank containers and undercarriages, and in RDW (Dutch road transport agency) inspections.
Burg eventually acquired these Holvrieka companies, heralding an important step in the development of Burg Industries. It has grown into a major manufacturer of transport equipment under the brand names of BURG, HOBUR, HOLVRIEKA and LAG.
In January 2004, the name Holvrieka B.V. changed to Burg Service B.V., making the link with Burg Industries even clearer.
In case of the fusion with CIMC, China International Marine Containers Ltd., in 2007, Burg Industries – and also Burg Service – are part of the biggest container- and trailerproducer in the world.
Together with the other Burg Industries companies, Burg Service B.V. can offer you a complete logistical concept ranging from project development to production and from repairs to maintenance throughout Europe. For you the customer, this means:
Our technology. Your wings
Internet site: www.burgers-carrosserie.nl
De stelling “carrosseriebouw omvat veel meer dan het op het eerste gezicht lijkt” is zeker van toepassing op Burgers carrosserie. Burgers heeft zich in de loop van de jaren
ontwikkeld tot een allround carrosseriebouw- bedrijf welke in staat is om voor veel verschillende bedrijven welke binnen het wegtransport in verschillende markten werkzaam zijn het juiste “gereedschap” te leveren.
Door goed te luisteren naar de klanten, het interne logistieke proces te aanschouwen, de nieuwste ontwikkelingen bij toeleveranciers te volgen, zelf voortdurend aan produktinnovatie te doen, en vooral door veel ervaring in alle geledingen van het bedrijf is Burgers carrosserie in staat te zorgen dat het geleverde produkt een meerwaarde voor de vervoerder betekent.
Een groot deel van de nieuwbouwproduktie vindt plaats in ons bedrijf in Aalsmeer, waar tevens de verkoop, de spuiterij, de reparatieafdeling en de serviceafdeling is gehuisvest. In het bedrijf kan de klant zelf zien hoe van een stapel materiaal een
hoogwaardig produkt wordt gemaakt, welke in hetzelfde pand kan worden voorzien van de bedrijfskleur, reklame en na levering kan worden gezorgd dat schades worden hersteld, de laadklep periodiek wordt gekeurd (LPK), de verwarming wordt geinspecteerd en dag en nacht storingen worden verholpen.
Afnemers zijn voornamelijk eigen vervoerders, daarnaast
beroepsvervoerders, truckdealers, leasemaatschappijen en verhuurbedrijven. De voertuigen worden ingezet voor het
geconditioneerd vervoer van onder andere bloemen & planten, groenten en fruit, aardappelen, diepvriesprodukten en andere bederfelijke waar.
Daarnaast worden de carrosserie雗 (zowel in vast gemonteerde als ook afzetbare uitvoering) ingezet voor verhuizingen, transport van kunst & antiek, luchtvrachtplaten,
stukgoed, kranten & papierrollen, medicijnen enz. Het betreft hier zowel regionaal transport, als ook nationaal en internationaal transport. Ondanks zijn bijna 50 medewerkers heeft Burgers carrosserie een platte organisatie waarbij eenieder affiniteit heeft met de produkten die men maakt en de klant nog het middelpunt is waar alles om draait.
Burgers Carrosserie is lid van de FOCWA. Voor verdere informatie over de FOCWA verwijzen we u naar: www.focwa.nl
Internet site: www.eurotank.fi
HOBUR has over twenty years experience in designing, building and repairing road tankers. Especially tankers for liquefied gases. Hobur builds your road tanker according to ADR regulations and the latest techniques.
Internet site: www.hobur.nl
Company profile
Hobur Twente has over thirty years experience in designing, building and repairing road tankers. Especially tankers for liquefied gases, such as LPG, carbon dioxide (CO2) and ammonia (NH3). Have a look at our product pages to get an impression of our standard and tailor-made products.
Since 1947, Holvrieka has been playing a pioneering role in the development, manufacture and installation of stainless steel tanks. Our membership of the Burg Industries Group allows us to provide a complete service on a global scale. The high standards of quality and continuity, common in the industry, serve as a guideline for our products and services. However, it is thanks to the initiative, enthusiasm and skills of our people that we are able to offer a better, more efficient and cost-effective total concept. You will find that it is especially our people that bring real value to your organisation.
Internet site: www.holvrieka.com
Leader in engineering technology
Since 1947, Holvrieka has been playing a pioneering role in the development, manufacture and installation of stainless steel tanks. Our membership of the Burg Industries Group allows us to provide a complete service on a global scale. The high standards of quality and continuity, common in the industry, serve as a guideline for our products and services. However, it is thanks to the initiative, enthusiasm and skills of our people that we are able to offer a better, more efficient and cost-effective total concept. You will find that it is especially our people that bring real value to your organisation.
A Company of Burg Industries.
Manufacturing of Stainless Steel Tanks.
Manufacturing of Complete Installations.
Turnkey Projects.
Offices in the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark.
Worldwide Presence.
Each sector of industry operates according to its own specific criteria. We develop innovative solutions tailored to your particular requirements and compliant with the relevant standards and procedures, such as HACCP/HAZOP, FDA, ISO, TUV, LOYDS, PED and GMP. Over the years, Holvrieka has built up an experienced team specialized in the design and implementation of complete systems for storage, transfer and processing of liquids in the juice industry. All Holvrieka installations are distinguished by their unrivalled engineering and manufacturing quality, efficient installation and commissioning, comprehensive maintenance and service programs and sanitary design.
We understand the importance of safety in all industrys, from both the production and the consumer’s perspective.
LAG develops custom-made transport solutions, taking into account the customer’s technical circumstances and requirements, their customers’ specific requirements and other general changes in society.
Internet site: www.lag.be
LAG develops custom-made transport solutions, taking into account the customer’s technical circumstances and requirements, their customers’ specific requirements and other general changes in society.
LAG is part of Burg Industries, an international holding company based in Pijnacker (Netherlands) and with different sites throughout Europe.
- [TEKNO] DAF XF105 2x w/ BURG 3x tank trailer (ITC livery) DAF XF105 两轴拖头挂 BURG三轴罐车(ITC涂装)
- [LIONTOYS] Mercedes-Benz ACTROS 3x + BURG SILO 3x (Real Asset Management 25 years) 液体罐车
- [HERPA] 大件运输 herpa ACTROS Cadzow
- [WSI] VOLVO FH3 Globetrotter “Hänggi” 沃尔沃彩绘拖头
- [WSI] LIEBHERR R914 compact excavator 利勃海尔R914紧凑型挖掘机
- [CONRAD] LIEBHERR LTM1090/1 all-terrain crane 利勃海尔 LTM1090/1 全路面起重机模型
- [WSI] LIEBHERR LTM1500 – Bay Crane